Our team is made up of men and women across South Africa who are passionate about providing a spiritually safe place where people can receive the love of God.

National Staff

Anton van Dam - Falling Forward Resource Coordinator

Anton trained as a school teacher, left teaching to join the Journey staff as an intern in 2021 and has since taken a role as the Falling Forward Resource Coordinator. Anton is passionate about walking with those struggling with sexual addiction and the hopelessness they face because of it and helping them to see that their addiction is the very platform they use to find deeper connection with God. He and his wife, Suzanne, have a baby daughter, Emma, and live in the south of Johannesburg. 


Cindy McDonald - National Coordinator

Cindy loves walking with people as they discover the joy and freedom that comes from knowing God and being known by Him, as well as growing in being known in relationship with others. She deeply enjoys conversations with God, even the hard ones, and being with others in their conversations with God.  She loves witnessing the brave steps into new life the beautiful people she gets to meet through Journey take. She enjoys travel, nature, travelling in nature, creativity, spending time with her people, laughing, reading…and lots more - including the two cutest cats in the world who call her house home.


Craig Groome - National Director

Craig has been involved with Journey South Africa since 2001 and has been serving as the director for JSA since 2013. Craig has a passion for seeing local church leaders find freedom from hiddenness, discover the truth of their identities in Christ, and become safe places for wounded people in their communities. Craig, his wife Kathy, and their daughter Mayah, live in the south of Johannesburg.


Megan Matcher - I.T & Online Facilitator

Megan joined the Journey staff in an administrative capacity in 2019. Since then, her role has grown to include managing various I.T software programs and online platforms involved in the functioning of the national office. She loves to see God working in people’s lives and how He brings hope to those who feel stuck and alone. The outdoors, being creative, and giving treats to her dogs are her happy places.